Join me at Pilgrim!

23669030_1895923607090272_7818429971884291779_oI currently serve a wonderful congregation in the Wheaton/Silver Spring area called Pilgrim United Church of Christ.  Pilgrim UCC is an Open and Affirming (LGBT-welcoming), congregation that is diverse in age, race, and ability (and neurodiversity).

photo credit Penny Lee
photo credit Penny Lee

Worship begins each Sunday at 10:30 am and is followed by coffee and fellowship.  Here are some bullet points about the church and the service they’ve put together for newbies and first time visitors.

The Young Adults Gathering happens on the third Friday night of each month at 6pm.  It’s an unstructured evening of fellowship for young adults and the young at heart.  Kids are welcome– childcare responsibilities are shared as kids run around and play while the adults hang out.

Every Friday morning at 10am, I meet with the most wonderful interfaith group of members and non-members for Bible Study and conversation.  It’s become a sacred space for us, where we care for and support one another, pray together and bring our questions, doubts, and insights about scripture.  As always– all are welcome.